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A mirror to reflect and inspire illumination...

Becoming a parent changes many things about how we see the world, but definitely how we view TV! I had expected to become more aware of potentially frightening scenes, and had looked forward to sharing my childhood favourites with my son. I had also expected to participate in my fair share of watching mind-numbing TV.

Pleasantly most of the children's TV we've watched together has been pretty good - and many times I've found myself watching the last few minutes of Ben and Holly or Doc MacStuffins on my own while my son starts a new game!

One of the big lessons though has been just how hard it is to predict what he will find scary, or entertaining. After a trip to the Sea-life Centre we thought 'Finding Nemo' would be perfect (starting it after the mother and siblings have been eaten!) but our little man was not interested at all.

Remembering 'Monster House' as being filled with quite dark scenes of a house trying to eat children we expected our son would be terrified, but it is one of his favourite films!

Being willing and able to see through his eyes, and be in his world, is a challenge but is also very much a core of what counsellors do; we try not to let our own opinions and expectations of what an experience would mean to us interfere with our ability to work with what it means to our client. This is called empathy, being alongside the other person instead of making assumptions about what they might think or feel. In Counsellor speak it is 'using an internal frame of reference'.

Of course the old stereotype exists of the therapist only asking 'so how did that make you feel?' and hopefully your counsellor will have more to them than that one question, but it is also at the heart of everything the counsellor does; they are there to act as a mirror to the client, to help the client see things more clearly, but from their own point of view, and within their own world.

The counsellor doesn’t want to change you as a person, or stop you being you;

they want to help you resolve whatever is troubling you,

and find a better sense of peace in which to like yourself and be happier in your world.

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We have 2 telephones and are also frequently contacted by e-mail for appointments,

this does mean that it can take a while to get through to us. 


If you phone us on 07765 224564 and leave a message (or text that number) we are likely to respond sooner. 


If you have left us an answerphone message,  text or e-mail and not heard back within a week we suggest phoning again. 


We have more than 30 volunteer counsellors but despite our wonderful team of paid and volunteer counsellors we cannot employ enough counsellors to meet demand, and are very short staffed for office volunteers so please be patient;

we will get back to you as soon as we can 


Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. 


We are offering in person, telephone or online therapy to adults 

Under 14s may be offered face to face counselling on Saturdays at a time between 10am and 1:30pm at Open Minds, or video / telephone therapy after school on weekdays, subject to counsellors being available and in accordance with government safety guidelines 

Young people aged 14 and over will be offered video calling or telephone counselling 

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