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Gender and Relationship Diversity 

Open Minds is a counselling service in Doncaster who often support children, young people and adults who are trans or gender non-conforming. 


We are trying to find out what under 18s in Doncaster would like to see in terms of support around their developing gender identity and gender expression. 


We are particularly interested in the ways in which gender non-conforming young people may need different support, and want to find out as much as we can in order to work out what support young people: 


1) need / want 

2) would be willing or able to access 

3) would struggle to access, for example if their parents don't know their true gender identity 


If you are under 18 (or able to complete the form with your child) please fill in our research form so that we can try to bring positive changes to Doncaster for LGTQ kids. 

We know there is a lack of support for children who are gender non-conforming, but have done our best to find sources of support and include them here: - LGBT Youth Hub Doncaster 


Gender Identity Development Service - GIDS 


Gender & identity: kids & teens | Raising Children Network 


Homepage - Mermaids ( 


Supporting Trans Young People ( 


Transgender Help and Support » Doncaster Pride 


Clinics and resources for trans and non-binary people | Terrence Higgins Trust ( 


Trans Unite | Find a Transgender Support Group in Your Area 


TransBarnsley | Barnsley | Facebook 


The Beaumont Society | Help and support for the transgendered community 


Youth Groups | Gendered Intelligence 


SAYiT (Sheena Amos Youth Trust) | LGBTQ+ Youth Charity | Sheffield, England 


Support for mental health for children in general: 


Get Support | Childline 0800 1111 


Young people | Emotional health resources | Mental health | Samaritans 


How to Help Children Suffering From Depression & Anxiety | NSPCC 


Suicide - Voices in The Middle - For Young People When Parents Split Up 


Suicidal thoughts | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) ( 


Suicidal Feelings | Help And Advice For Young People | YoungMinds 


Useful contacts - 11-18 year old's mental health - Mind 


Open Minds Counselling Services 


Open Minds is proud to be a member of the Gender Positive Alliance - 


Gender Positive Alliance logo for Allies FINAL.png

Open Minds is a Registered Charity no. 1155119 and a not-for- profit Company no. 06695828 




07765 224564 



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28 Christchurch Road 


​DN1 2QL 


We do not have a fax 


We are very sorry for any delay in contacting us. 


We have 2 telephones and are also frequently contacted by e-mail for appointments,

this does mean that it can take a while to get through to us. 


If you phone us on 07765 224564 and leave a message (or text that number) we are likely to respond sooner. 


If you have left us an answerphone message,  text or e-mail and not heard back within a week we suggest phoning again. 


We have more than 30 volunteer counsellors but despite our wonderful team of paid and volunteer counsellors we cannot employ enough counsellors to meet demand, and are very short staffed for office volunteers so please be patient;

we will get back to you as soon as we can 


Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. 


We are offering in person, telephone or online therapy to adults 

Under 14s may be offered face to face counselling on Saturdays at a time between 10am and 1:30pm at Open Minds, or video / telephone therapy after school on weekdays, subject to counsellors being available and in accordance with government safety guidelines 

Young people aged 14 and over will be offered video calling or telephone counselling 

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